Mr. Asen Antonov - constructor in a company HIL AD

The third lecture been presented by Mr. Asen Antonov - constructor in a company HIL AD. Itwent more unconventional, such as conversation and discussion on the new profile systemsAlumil and on those not so new, but recently used in Cheh plast on the orders for France, Greece and Belgium. From the new systems of Alumil Mr. Antonov spoke mainly on the established recently in Greece M20000, which is designed to be used only with a hardware for PVC, for the opening elements.
Long discussed were the drainage systems for sliding S400 and S450, and the system lift and slide M300, as Mr. Ivan Dimitrov the owner of "HIL" AD have recorded some questions that he will make to the constructive division of  Alumil plant, because they are in the competence of the systems founders.

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