Developed by REHAU and presented during the specialized fair Fensterbau Frontale 2010 in Nurnberg in March 2010. Euro-design 86 is a six-chamber system based on profile system GENEO but without middle insulation and on lower price. In May we equipped the machines with the necessary instruments, we made samples and we are already fulfilling clients' orders. With Euro-Design 86 REHAU completed its range of systems by offering a system B class with building depth 86 mm and 6 RAU-PVC chambers in the middle segment.
The new system has the following main characteristics:
-system with ready insulation, 86 mm building depth and 6 chambers;
-the big building width of windows allows use of highly efficient triple glazed glasses;
-coefficient of heat transition of the frame Uf from 1,2 W/m²K (with reinforcement without supplements);
-construction of the rabbet for optimum adoption of triple glazing up to 53 mm;
-high service convenience through new generation insulations;
-system construction based on REHAU system platform;
-burglary protection: proof for protection class WK1 and WK2.